Outdoor Shoot


Find a picturesque location with breathtaking natural surroundings such as a beach, park, forest, or garden. Use the beauty of nature as a backdrop for your photos, emphasizing the colors, textures, and serenity of the environment.


Wedding Shoot

Traditional Wedding Shoot

Capture the emotions and reactions of both the bride and groom as they share this special moment. Coordinate a first look moment between the couple,


Golden Hour

Prewedding Shoot

Schedule your photoshoot during the golden hour, which occurs during the first and last hours of sunlight of the day. The warm, soft lighting during this time creates a romantic and dreamy atmosphere, resulting in stunning images.


Post Wedding

Outdoor Shoot

Experiment with various romantic poses to showcase the love and connection between you and your partner. This could include holding hands, walking together, embracing, or stealing a kiss. Let your photographer guide you and capture those intimate moments.